Social Emotional Learning @ RES

When facing every day, whether the sun rises with warmth or uncertainty is in the shadow of clouds, our message to the RES School Community will be to SEAS the day.

  • Show Up

  • Engage

  • Attitude is key

  • Shine

Students will discuss these concepts during Morning Meetings in their homerooms and with their Kids Connect groups on Fridays. We hope to teach and enhance social and emotional skills such as confidence, goal-setting, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, friendship, and what it means to be a part of a community.


The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning is a leader in all things SEL. The 5 competencies outlined by CASEL guide our efforts to support the social and emotional well-being of our students as they move throughout their educational journey. Check out CASEL's site HERE for all kinds of research and resources to learn more about SEL and why it is so important!!